Information on Scholarships and Grants

For click on the links for information regarding scholarships and grants available for our undergraduate and graduate programs.

Institutional Grants and Scholarships

Both merit scholarships (Hollins Scholar and Hollins Recognition) and Hollins Grant are funded through university funds and endowments.  Both your merit and if applicable, Hollins Grant is originally awarded to act as a “placeholder” until we are notified of the amounts we are able to award for each of the named/endowed scholarship funds. Both the merit scholarship and Hollins Grant may be swapped with a scholarship established by a donor anytime within the academic year.  You may be contacted by the Office of Institutional Advancement ask you to write a “thank you” letter to the scholarship donor(s).

Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant

The Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG), funded by the Commonwealth of Virginia, provides grant assistance to degree-seeking undergraduate students who are domiciled Virginia residents and who enroll full-time during the regular academic year.  The award amount is set annually by the General Assembly and is subject to change each academic year. Students who are currently receiving VTAG at the Hollins University do not need to submit another application in subsequent years.

Outside Scholarship Opportunities

Some outside organizations provide scholarship support to undergraduate and graduate students. It is the student’s responsibility to search for, and apply for, these awards. We’ve found that fall, winter, and early spring are the most productive times of year to search for outside scholarships. Please note that you should never, ever have to pay to apply for (or search for) a scholarship so please be cautious. Students are required to report all outside scholarship awards to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance.

Receipt of outside scholarships or awards may require the Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance to adjust the loans and/or work-study portion of a financial aid offer if the total need-based aid exceeds the financial need as determined by the FAFSA. If at any point the total aid that a student receives from all sources exceeds the annual total cost of attendance, Hollins’ institutional aid will be reduced.

We have prepared a list of scholarship search engines and some outside scholarships you may want to apply for. While this list is not exhaustive, we hope that you find it helpful:  Scholarship Tipsheet 2024-2025

Giving Back

Are you a Virginia resident? Did you know that the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles offers a Hollins University themed license plate? Proceeds from the sale of this license plate go towards a scholarship fund for Hollins undergraduates!

In addition, please consider giving back to Hollins University. Your gifts help support our institutional grants and scholarships!